David Dellar

2025 Life Cycle for Canteen OffRoad

Trail is looking good

I was out doing some Munda Biddi trail maintenance last week. Whilst there has been no rain, the trail is in good condition and will get better as the cooler weather and a bit of rain hit in a few months 

First Practice ride coming up

8th March is first social practice ride .Follow for details 

TDU Time

Here at TDU . Looking forward to some challenging rides 

I'm riding to support young people with cancer.

Hi there,

This will be my 11th LifeCycle event in support of Canteen Australia. 

I have seen the impact that LifeCycle for CanTeen has with the youth and am eager to continue to support this cause.

With your support we can make a difference to these young people.

I’m riding in the 2025 Life Cycle for Canteen OffRoad event this year to support young people when cancer crashes into their world.

Canteen is the game changer. They help young people cope with cancer in their family, rebuild their foundations and connect with others who 'get it'.

Thank you for your support!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Recycle 4 Lifecycle


Recycle 4 Lifecycle




Recycle 4 Lifecycle


Recycle 4 Lifecycle


Recycle 4 Lifecycle

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