We are watching movies for Canteen

We are the CanTango Movie buffs. We will support tango movies throughout October to help raise money for Canteen. Our goal is to raise $1000.
Canteen supports young people living with cancer, whether it is their own diagnosis, or that of a parent or sibling.
Please help me help them, by coming to our Sunday movie nights or giving whatever you can using the 'Donate' button.
Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!
Thank you to my Sponsors

Cantango Movies

Ptc Movie Buffs
Thank you to all the PTC movie buffs

Clare Buising
Thank you PTC movie buffs for your COS donations for Tango Bar

Ptc Treasurer
Thank you to our generous PTC movie buffs.

The Perth Tango Club
Thank you movie buffs for hat donations for Un Tango Mas

Clare Buising
Thank you PTC movie buffs for your generous Square donations for Tango Mas film.