We are standing up to cancer with Canteen
We are Raising It to ensure young Aussies impacted by cancer still receive the support they need during this difficult and isolating time.
Canteen supports young people living with cancer, whether it is their own diagnosis, or that of a parent or sibling.
Canteen is once again heavily relying on Canteen Connect the online platform for counseling and peer to peer support during this even more challenging time in a young persons world. Now more than ever they need the support of Canteen.
Please help us help them, by giving whatever you can using the 'Donate' button. The more people that know about Canteen, the greater the impact, so please also spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family.
Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!
Thank you to our Sponsors

Airport West St Christophers Cricket Club

Hamish is strong!! He is a fighter!! He is brave’!! He is a super hero! Hear him roar!!

James Laussen

James Laussen
Fond thoughts for an incredible young person.

Rebecca And Chris And Mike Thomas
Keep positive Hamish, one-step at a time

Duncan Campbell
Sending love to you all xo Alyssa and Dunc

Emily Hunt
You've got this H<3


Parkhill Cellars
Go team H - man!!!!!

Parkhill Cellars
You and your family are in our thoughts , stay strong Hamish !

Gareth & Bernadette
Sending love to the family. Hamish you’ve got an amazing support group around you, plus canteen do brilliant work to assist xx

Sarah And Glenn Southwood
One step at a time Hamish..:.stay positive…. our thoughts are with you. You’ve got this!!!!

Steven Carroll
Stay positive and keep your head up H. Our family and the cricket club are right behind you 😉

Kathryn Girdham
You’ve got this Team H

Nikki L
I’m in awe of your courage as you’ve completed 75% of your treatment cycle. Be so proud that you’re smashing your goal and helping so many through this fundraiser. Keep up the brave fight Team H-man 💛


You are a super star Hamish keep fighting. We are all here praying with you and your family xx

Ryan And Annabel
Best wishes guys! Our thoughts are with you x

Ruth Sampson
Sending love and light your way as u all continue to be in my thoughts now and always xx

Stephanie Bondin
You got this Hamish ! Sending you guys big hugs and love ❤️

Trish And Kevin Schebella
Bless you all 💕

Stay strong H-man and team!

Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look - Marcus Aurelius

Aleisha Dakin

Atti, Hayley & Leo
You’ve got this Ham. Sending strength and love your way x

Ron & Barbara.
Stay strong! Sending our love.

Heather Lane
We're thinking of you, Hamish.

Thinking of you all x

Jatan Khurana
Stay positive

Sasha Koomen
Such a big journey ahead little human. In a bloodline of powerful angels 😇 Thinking of you all on the journey ahead. Sash, Aish and the crew on Galiwin’ku

Julie And Mark Campbell
Stay strong guys, we're all behind you. Love and prayers xx



Hedley Family
You’ve got this H-man! Thinking of you and your amazing support crew x the Hedley mob

Stay strong Hamish! Hold onto hope, take it one step at a time and know that brighter days are ahead! 🩷


Tim Jezard

Aunty Ellen And The Ducks
Super proud of you Hamish! You’re an inspiration to us all xxx

Natalie Di Sauro
You have so much love and support around you to help you get through this challenge! You are definitely a super-hero in my eyes. 💜

Webb Family
Sending huge love and hugs to you all.

Danielle Yakoubian

Thinking of you all.

Dina Becvinovski


Ali Mclean
Sending love ❤️

Diana Mazzone
Stay positive and strong Hamish

Sharon Murphy
Stay strong thinking off you xx

Liana Fisicchia
Sending love and strength

Telesia Kanongata'a
Sending love to you xo

Carla Romeo
You are so brave and strong Hamish! ❤️🙏🏼 Keep fighting!

Chels & Dek
Lots of love xx

Lisa Haranas

With you all the way <3 <3

Susan Portelli
May you be strong and successful each step of the way Hamish.

Sarah Campbell

Natasha Stojakovic
Best of luck xx

Tricia Metz

Sarah Incani
Praying for Hamish and your family during this time.

Aaron Campbell

Calista Lo-iudice

Rachael Egan

Stay positive, Hamish and family, you can do this. your cricket club are right behind you supporting