We're riding to support young people with cancer
Hi There,
We're riding in the 2025 Life Cycle for CanTeen OffRoad event this year to support young people when cancer crashes into their world.
CanTeen is the game changer. They help young people cope with cancer in their family, rebuild their foundations and connect with others in the same boat.
Please help us to reach our goal and together we can be the difference in their lives.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you to our Sponsors

Christopher Kieran

Denise & Des Hoskin
Nan & Pop are very proud of you Alex, for riding 200kms and raising funds for Canteen. Well done!!

Des & Denise Hoskin
Well done Shane!!

Jan And John Burrows
Good luck Alex

Jan And John Burrows
Good luck

Rohan Burrows
Hope your seat is nice and padded - great effort mate

Rohan Burrows
Good luck on the ride

Shane Burrows
Let's go Alex!
